On paper the movie seems like it would be amazing, but unfortunately some of the directors choices and possibly the studio intervention hold it back from being the Batman vs Superman movie we all deserve.
The Good:
+ Zack Snyder knows how to make a beautifully shot sequences. There are moments in the film when the camera pans over gorgeously rendered CGI environments that an make you stop and look in awe. Snyder also knows how to direct an action scene. Often during quick cuts in a fight the audience can become lost as to characters positions in the fight. This leads to viewers not having any freaking clue as to what is going on (see almost any Michael Bay movie). However, Snyder can show big action set pieces with every piece being perfectly choreographed and depicted.
+ Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman is perfect. You can tell that he loves the character and wants to due the beloved character justice. The only bad thing that I can say about Batman is that I didn't see enough of him. There are some other... umm... liberties that are taken with the Batman character that some die hard fans might find against character, but that honestly doesn't bother me too much, although I do believe it should and could have been handled differently.
+ Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman steals every scene she is in. If BvS did only did one thing, it was make me extremely excited for the Wonder Woman movie to be released in 2017.
The Ehhh:
~ Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman has a great Superman in him. However, because of the lack of a great script and directing, I fear that we may never see him tap into the potential I know he has.
~ Motivations. The only characters motivations that seem completely fleshed out are Batman's. Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor seems to be more lost than the Joker usually is and Superman is too busy moping around to ever figure out what he is even trying to accomplish.
~ Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. I put him in the Ehhh section for a few reasons. I feel that a modern day young Lex Luthor could potentially behave much like young internet CEO's. However, I think it was taken way too far over one way. More balance could have made for an interesting Lex.
The Ugh-ly:
- The script/screen play/story board. When action is present in the movie it excels, but where there is simply dialog, the movie falls apart. BvS feels like multiple distinct movies with no thread to tie them together. While the plot is building, character's motivations become muddled, their actions are confusing and sometimes you just don't know what the heck is going on.
- Bloated plots. There are so many plots that could have been completely taken out of the movie. You can feel how Zack Snyder had a vision for a Man of Steel sequel that completely became over stuffed when the studio came to him with a desire to throw in more plot points to set up future movies. Basically BvS has the same basic problems that both Iron Man 2 and The Amazing Spider-man 2 had.
- Some comic book knowledge helps. I do read a fair share of comics. However, the average moviegoer will be lost a few point. Luckily those points aren't necessarily plot relevant, but why include them at all if they don't move the plot along?
If you enjoy a spectacle then about 45 minutes of this movie is for you. See it during a matinee showtime to save some money but still get the theater experience.
Grade: Matinee Showing
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Thursday, March 31, 2016
Critics v Fans: Dawn of Opposition
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has created a decisive split between critics and fans. As of writing this, the critic Rotten Tomatoes score sits at 29% and audience of 71%. Some say that critics are biased to a movie even before they sit in the theater. Or perhaps fanboys and girls are so geeked out on the visuals and concept that they fail to see the faults within the film.
BvS isn’t the first film that has a vastly different critic and fan reviews and it definitely won't be the last. However, since BvS is the most current example, I thought that this is a perfect time to discuss that constant battle between critics and fans and to determine how an average moviegoer can interpret the information.
The first week of release BvS has seen a constant online fight between critics and fans. Arguing who is correct and why the other side is obviously wrong. These groups have gone back and forth so viciously that by the end they are usually farther apart than when they initially began.
The problem with week one reviews is you usually get two different groups watching a film. One group consists of the movie critics. Their job is to break a movie apart with the goal to determine if the movie has basic storytelling elements such as a logical structure, character building, good directing and decent cinematography among other things. The other majority group that sees a movie like BvS in the first week usually comprise of the hardcore fans. Their goal is to determine how true to character and entertaining a movie is.
This leaves an appearingly impassable roadblock for the average moviegoer. Each person enters and leaves the movie theater with a different agenda. So who’s opinion should be more important? Well, the answer, as unsurprising as it is, is both. Both opinions are valid, both carry weight, and after seeing BvS you will most likely walk with your own opinion that may side with critics, fans or some combination of both. Many of you may even join the internet feud of who’s opinion reigns supreme.
Now here is the point to it all. IT DOESN’T MATTER. It doesn’t matter if your opinion differs from someone else’s. That is best part of the whole movie going experience. We sit in a dark theater engulfed in sounds and visuals with the desire to escape to a reality that isn’t our own. When the credits roll and we leave either disappointed, overjoyed or neutral we have the ability to discuss the reasons why. Not for the purpose of persuading an opposing party, but to have a thought out and honest discussion. Discussions such as these will hopefully bring to light what a majority of people did and did not like. The movie studio can then take the criticism and apply it to their next movie.
There is no doubt that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is doing great in the box office and will continue to do so. But as we discuss this film and others to come, let’s do so in a respectful manner so that all opinions can be heard rather than extinguished.
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